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Ajala Digital Blog: Creat Your Google Ads Account

Welcome back to our Google Ads series. In part 1 we have talked about why you should use Google Ads and setting your goals. Now we will dive into setting up your Google Ads Account and explain the most important terms you need to become a Google Ads master. Let’s get started.

So how do I set-up my Google Ads Account?

We are going to walk you through this process step by step. It is as easy as 1-2-3. In order to facilitate your learning, you need to have an active Google Ads account. Go to the Google Ads page at

Step 1

On the landing page, you will be asked for your email and website to create your account.

Step 1 for Setting Up Google Ads Account

Step 2

Once logged in, it is advisable to click the blue button at the bottom of the screen if you’re new to Google Ads and you’re still not sure about the type of campaign that you want to create.

Step 2 Setting Up Google Ads Account

If you are feeling more confident about the goals you want to achieve with Google Ads, feel free to choose the option that feels best for you and your business. Some of the elements you could encounter if you choose any of those goals are: 

Budget. Set a low budget for now such as $1. You can always change the amount later. If you are not planning to run your ads, set an even lower budget, e.g. $0.01. This is to ensure that Google won’t show your ads and charge you for them. The currency is the only thing you need to be certain about. Set the currency that you will use to pay for your ads. This is because you’ll have to give your payment details in the next step and they need to match the currency.

Location, Network, and Keywords. Just type the name of any country or text. You will be able to change these entries later.

Offer. You can leave the default value as is.

Text Ad. This is where you basically create your first ad. This is a quick overview. We will cover these fields more extensively in later parts of the series.

    • Landing Page – This will be the page you want users to land when they click on your ad. You can just put in the same website you used in STEP 1.
    • Title 1 and Title 2 – These are the two parts of your ad’s heading.  Again, this is not definitive so just make something up for now.
    • Description – This should be a short, catchy text describing what your ad is about. For now, you can write anything.

Billing. This is the payment stage. You just need to type your company name and personal address. Then, you provide your credit card details. Once you’re done with that, your account is ready to go.

Step 3

If you have chosen to create a campaign following one of the advertising goals, congratulations on creating your first campaign! If you decided you want to create your campaign later, you will need to click “create an account without a campaign” in the following screen to finish setting up your account.  

Step 3 Setting Up Google Ads Account

What's Next?

Congratulations again. You have completed the most important step. Getting started. Based on our experience clear communication is the key to great results. So next we want to make sure that we speak the same language, before moving on to the next action steps. We will cover the most important terms in our next post. Enjoy your accomplishment and see you next week.